Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
Consolidated Phone List for County Departments and Offices


County Judge (432) 758-5411
Commissioner, Precinct 1 (806) 546-2423
Commissioner, Precinct 2 (432) 955-1032
District Clerk

(432) 758-4013

County Clerk

(432) 758-4003

Tax Assessor

(432) 758-4008

County Attorney

(432) 758-4001

County Treasurer

(432) 758-4009

County Auditor

(432) 758-4002

District Attorney

(432) 758-2821

County Sheriff (432) 758-9871
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1

(432) 758-4015

Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 (806) 546-2666
Probation Office

(432) 758-4019

Texas Agrilife Extension Service

(432) 758-4006

Veteran’s Services Office

(432) 758-4010

County Library
           Seminole (432)955-1007
           Seagraves (806)546-2480
County Museum
          Seagraves (806) 546-2810
            Seminole (432) 955-1016
County Golf Course (432) 758-3808
Senior Citizens Center
          Seagraves (806) 932-6046
          Seminole (432) 955-1020