Campaign Finance Portal - Candidates and Elected Officials can now file all of their reports to the Election Office online. First, each individual that would prefer to file online, must submit a "wet" signature to the Election Office in person or by fax (432-955-1025 fax). Once we have received the "wet" signatures, you may create an account at this website:Candidate Filings Once you have an account you can access the different forms from the Texas Ethics Commission - step by step directions click here
Candidate or Elected Official must fill out each form and return to our office: Form 1 Form 2
Individuals can look at each report that has been filed by each candidate. To see the reports, you do not have to create an account, just click on the top right of the screen on the word Candidate Filings
Candidates that have filed with our office are on our portal, click here for portal link.